Between July 19th and August 10th

Flight Case is an initiative from Delft University of Technology that has been working with companies abroad for 10 years. We bring fresh knowledge about design with a team of 28 master students and 2 professors. The expertise within our team is diverse, encompassing strategic design, product design, and interaction design, ensuring a well-rounded approach to tackling complex challenges.

This year’s destination: Japan

This year, we are bringing the Delft Design expertise to Japan.We will team up with various companies to tackle their challenges and to create dynamic and innovative solutions as well as lasting connections for future collaborations.

This experience consists of two main periods: an in-depth research preparation in The Netherlands and an action phase at the corporation location.

We can offer multiple benefits ranging from researching and improving user experiences to innovating through well-developed concepts for new products or services. In addition, we assess how new technologies and societal changes can become key factors in the growth of your company.

“The whole co-creation process was infused with energy, creative thinking, free flow of ideas, and most importantly, professionalism. We were inspired.”

— Jessica Ho Assistant Marketing Manager Lee Kee Group

What we offer

Solutions that spark innovation

Every company must invest in its own future through innovation in order to stay ahead of the competition, which sometimes can be challenging. Flight Case helps your company to come up with fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Young designers still have the mindset of thinking in a wide range of possibilities, rather than restrictions and energize the company with our youthful enthusiasm. Consequently, it is a common positive side-effect that the employees are more involved and happier after working with us.

Long-lasting connections

Working together with designers from Delft University of Technology can provide you with long-lasting connections that hold promise for many possibilities in the future. Many students are close to finishing their masters and are exploring their graduation options, future work environments, new research fields or open positions.

Likewise, this can become a showroom for your company as students, professors and alumni, hear from you and can be triggered by the possibilities you offer; not only through real-life experience, yet by the stories that are shared after the trip with their network too.

Famous design methodologies

Our designers have a dual approach to problem-solving rooted in analytical and creative methods. We are able to work with and share the acclaimed Vision in Product Design method and the Delft Innovation Model among many other processes that can benefit your company. These theories have proven their value over time, resulting in trustworthy tools that create impactful solutions.

  • Compared to large and expensive design agencies, Flight Case is a low-investment and a low-risk alternative whose deliveries are grounded in the same methods. Even though we might have less experience, we compensate it by holding fewer prejudices against the business world and, thus, coming up with more out-of-the-box ideas.

  • People are often fond of the way designers analyze and solve problems, which makes us be a great asset for innovation. Creativity is a virtue that has just gained traction and leading companies around the world are starting to hire designers and use their mindset to solve their business problems with unconventional and imaginative ideas.

  • Our group consists of young designers from all over the world. We believe that diversity enriches the insights in a project and creates a future-proof concept in this globalized and intertwined economy. Moreover, it is an enormous opportunity to work with people with different backgrounds and to get to know foreign cultures.

Other benefits

Our experience

Previous collaborations

We have collaborated with many companies during Flight Case. Your company could be added to this list soon! We would love to get in contact to discuss possibilities.

Previous destination

Flight Case exists for more than ten years! In those years, we have visited a diverse set of destination. Previous destinations include South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brazil, Taiwan and China. This year, we will revisit Japan!

Flight Case 2019 example

In 2019, Flight Case also went to Japan. Read here about our experiences and our collaborations with companies.